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Buying Jewellery For Your Woman

Hey there! You who are getting confused and feeling lost while searching for a wonderful Jewellery piece for your lady. Listen! It may not seem easy to choose the right jewellery that shows her you care, so, here are three tips that will guide you through the journey of choosing the ideal Jewellery gift for her.

Choose Based on Her Style and Preference, Not Yours.

It is all about observing and listening, keep in mind that jewellery can be an extension of her personality, she will always give you hints of what she loves, and will only wear the type of jewellery she likes.

First of all, determine which colours and metal she prefers. If she wears only one colour; for example, she only wears white jewellery, you should stick to this colour and choose from white gold, silver, and platinum. If she mixes and matches, you’re lucky and you can get her any colour.

Women Love Receiving Gifts That Have Meaning and Sentimental Value.

When it comes to making a choice, it’s not just about how jewellery looks, it’s about what it means and represents. You must understand the symbolism and meaning of jewellery to make the right choice for your loved one. Consider the symbolism behind different pieces—gifting her a necklace, earrings or a ring can have a different meaning—also keep in mind different gemstones and related symbolism.

Choose the Right Size.

Jewellery ranges from small delicate to large loud; choosing the right size based on two factors: your woman's style, and her body type. For example, a grand ring will dwarf a small finger, a large earring on a small ear will make the ear look even smaller, and a long necklace balances out a long neck and wide shoulders.

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